
Table meta-information

To get table fields, use monadic ! verb:

o)a:(+:)`a`b`c!(1 2 3;1 2 3;1 2 3); !a

Asking for table "values" results in a list of table vectors:

o)a:(+:)`a`b`c!(1 2 3;1 2 3;1 2 3); value a
1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3

Every table can be queried for its length - the amount of "records" it contains:

o)a:(+:)`a`b`c!(1 2 3 4;1 2 3 4;1 2 3 4); #a

Designated meta verb rеturns column names, types, internal typed ids, attributes and list of fielsds of composite index for a table:

o)t:(+:)`a`b`c!(`asc#!5;`g#!5;!5); @[`t;,,`a;~[#];`g];
o)meta t
+`column`type`id`attr!(`a`b`c;`long`long`long;176448 438592 45376;`asc`g`)

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